I love my Anythink

Love letters from around the world
Not only has Anythink had a profound impact on the Adams County community, but its innovative approach to library service has inspired people worldwide. Here are a few love letters to Anythink as we celebrate 10 years.
When I first heard of Anythink, I was looking for exotic classification systems all over the world. (Don’t judge me, I’m a French librarian.) But what I found was so much more: dedication, a deeply rooted sense of community that echoed my own questionings and, moreover, the underlying idea that fun should be the cornerstone of our work. So, thank you, Anythinkers! Stay true to yourselves and your community, and please continue to fill us with wonder!
– Julien Prost, Chargé de Formation, La Bibliothèque Universitaire Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
Anythink has been a creative leading force in libraries across the country for 10 years, and I have always been proud that they were a Colorado library system. I have applauded the risk-taking and creativity – from R-Squared [a 2012 innovations conference for libraries inspired by Anythink] to moving away from Dewey, Anythink has been trailblazing in our profession. Congratulations on a successful 10 years …
I look forward to seeing what comes next!
– Nicolle Ingui Davies, Assistant Commissioner, Colorado State Library
Anythink is one of the most creative public library systems in the country. In fact, it’s one of the most creative public entities of any kind. The team imagines new ways to invite, engage, and empower citizens – and then they execute with skill and heart. I love Anythink!
– Eric Liu, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Citizenship & American Identity Program, and Founder, Citizen University, Seattle
Since we first heard about the concept of Anythink Libraries, they have been a source of inspiration for us. We admire the way they engage the community and the way they do programs around creativity and learning for all ages. They inspire not just us, but the global library field. We have now visited Anythink several times, and every time we bring back inspiration and new ideas for our libraries in Denmark. Here at Dokk1, we are proud that we grew to become a sister library to Anythink, and we now have an ongoing exchange of ideas and knowledge about how we keep on transforming and improving our libraries.
– Sidsel Bech-Petersen, Head of Innovation, Aarhus Public Libraries / Dokk1 (recipients of the 2016 Public Library of the Year award and named the best new public library in the world)
I’m not sure I can write a love letter to Anythink. So, I’ll do my best to write an adore letter because what Anythink continues to be for me is the single most rewarding creative expression of my career. When I walk under the Anythink logo, into the space, and watch all the wonderful things at work, I am in awe. I may have had a hand in helping to create the concept of a brilliant and innovative place called Anythink, but the day-in, day-out reality of Anythink and all it achieves is far more, and even better than I could ever have imagined. Love is simply not strong enough.
– John Bellina, Founder/Creative Director, Ricochet Ideas, Colorado
Anythink is a rare place that we can all call home, in a moment when we need it most. Congratulations!
– Carrie Hopper, Assistant Director, Aspen Institute Citizenship & American Identity Program, Washington, D.C.
Anythink has been inspiring me with their creative, joyful, and people-centered approach to libraries for many years. My experience at the R-Squared Conference inspired me to think more deeply about risk and reward, and ultimately led to a transformational life decision to quit an unfulfilling job and relocate from the East Coast to the West. For sure, the risk was worth the reward. Thank you, and congrats to Anythink on your 10-year anniversary!
– Peter Bromberg, Executive Director, Salt Lake City Public Library
"Have you heard of Anythink?" is one of my favorite things to ask when someone scoffs about "libraries these days." Anythink makes imaginative, beautiful experiences for its users. What makes Anythink especially joyful is its dedicated team that shares their passion locally and globally, inspiring other libraries and civic spaces to step up to the challenge of moving beyond four walls and into the hearts and minds
of the community.
– Kate Tkacik, Manager, Funding Information Network, Candid, Maryland
Anythink is a great library because of its staff. Their culture of innovation and risk-taking makes them bold when serving their customers and in their support to the wider library profession (through projects like R-Squared and Outside the Lines). Their heart for service makes them humble when listening to the needs, hopes, and concerns of their community. It truly takes a bold heart to create systemic change one person at a time. I admire them for it.
– John Chrastka, Executive Director, EveryLibrary, Chicago
Facebook recently told me that seven years ago I was at R-Squared. What memories came flooding back of an exciting experience unlike any library conference I’d attended. It challenged my thinking and still informs my teaching. I was so glad Anythink played a role and shared their philosophy. Now I often look to Anythink Libraries for inspiring examples of what a user-focused knowledge institution can achieve: bringing library users together around ideas and art, supporting staff to learn and grow with the library, and grounding their place as the heart of the communities they serve.
– Michael Stephens, Associate Professor, San Jose State University School of Information, Michigan
I've had the good fortune of working with Anythink on several projects as a collaborator and as a library consultant. One thing I love about working with Anythinkers, and being in Anythink libraries, is that there is such a positive energy around what’s possible. The Anythink culture revolves around imagining and asking, “What is possible?” and exploring everything with curiosity. It’s one of the most positive and encouraging public library environments that I’ve ever experienced.
One of my most treasured experiences with Anythink was in 2012, putting together R-Squared, a conference for libraries about risk, reward and innovation. We came together to talk about how libraries can truly change the nature of their work to be a center of community learning and curiosity, and through those conversations we created a transformative experience for everyone. This experience changed the way I think about my work as a library consultant, the role I play in supporting the work of public libraries, and the future of public libraries.
– Crystal Schimpf, Public Library Specialist Leadership & Community Development, Colorado State Library
It's hard to believe that 10 years ago, the concept of Anythink was just a squiggle in the eyes of a visionary leader and a crew of true believers – who were, as they would say in the day:
Those qualities have fueled a core of innovation, fun and, most importantly, service to the community. Although technically an anniversary, it feels more better to say, "Happy Birthday, Anythink!”
– Carson Block, technology consultant, Carson Block Consulting Inc., Colorado
Anythink has always stood out to me as what libraries can dare to be. I have learned (and cribbed) so much from afar. It’s funny having never stepped into the brick and mortar buildings, but even as part of the remote user community I love the library magic that is created in that local pond and radiates out around the world. I’ll be ready to sign on when y’all open up the beach/island/sailboat branch.
– Andrea Davis, librarian, San Francisco Public Library
Anythink changed my life. I was stuck in a professional rut and decided to attend the brand-new R-Squared conference put on by Anythinkers and local colleagues. The people, experiences, laughs, and tears I shared at that conference re-energized me and through it I found a brand new community of co-conspirators. What the conference predicted came true: take a risk and be rewarded. I am grateful to the Anythink crew for tirelessly pushing the boundaries to help catalyze our dreams and assist us in finding inspiration and delight in our world. Love you, Anythink!
– Cindy Fisher, library technology consultant, Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Oh, Anythink! Anythink, I love you! I volunteered the R-Squared Conference in 2012 and learned that librarians are dynamos and super creative. I learned that libraries don't have to be boring places with books and outdated computers. Rather, R-Squared showed me that libraries truly can be thought of as dynamic public spaces and, when put to their optimal use, can be powerfully engaging resource hubs that serve the needs of their communities.
Anythink is what I think of when I think about libraries, thanks to Anythink's amazing team!
– Meghan Rutigliano, Associate Director, Burning Man Regional Network, San Francisco
Send your questions or feedback to ithink@anythinklibraries.org or comment below.