Tag: flamenco

August 2, 2018 - 6:00 pm to 9:45 pm

The Anythink Film Series is a unique outdoor film experience, taking place throughout the month of August at each Anythink location. Each film will be paired with an interactive experience as we explore different genres around the district. Learn more about the full lineup of films

At Anythink York Street, discover the art of flamenco with the René Heredia Flamenco Fantasy Dance Theatre. Then, gather with neighbors to watch an outdoor screening of Flamenco, Flamenco. (This film is not rated.)

Please bring blankets, pillows or chairs for comfortable seating during outdoor screenings. Popcorn will be provided, and people are encouraged to bring their own food and non-alcoholic drink. 

6 pm: flamenco performance

8:15 pm: film screening


Adult, Children, Family, Teen, Tween