Anythink blog

A scene from the movie "Beaches"

Movies for the cry-baby in you (and me)

Oct 31 2014
Confession: Sometimes I need a good cry. A sobbing, runny-nose, eyes-swollen, whole-box-of-tissue cry. I’m not sure why or what brings on this sudden urge. I’m never aware of this feeling approaching. It’s not like I can say to myself, “Self, I think you’ll feel like crying tomorrow so you better...

Keeping an eye on your vision health

Oct 3 2014
At Anythink, we want to make information available to you that will help you live your best life. Health issues can be stressful, but with the right information they can be managed. October is Eye Injury Prevention Month and today I'd like to share information with you about keeping your eyes...

Major changes occuring to improve the SAT

Oct 1 2014
The SAT – a rite of passage that most high school student’s encounter to continue this journey we call life. I’ll never forget waking up at 7 am on a perfectly good Saturday to take a four-hour exam that would decide the next step in my life. It was beyond nerve-wracking; and even after hours upon...

Fill the 'Harry Potter' void with these titles

Oct 1 2014
Did you grow up with Harry Potter and cry when you read the last page of the last book? I certainly shed some tears, more because it was the last book than because the ending was sad. Ever since I have been on the hunt for books that could help fill the void left by Harry and his friends....
Harriet Jacobs

My attempt at a well-educated mind

Sep 29 2014
I’ve shared before how I absolutely love books about books so it’s no surprise that I was delighted to comb through the list of books laid out in...
Chopsticks. By Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral

In awe of illustrations: A celebration of visual literacy

Sep 12 2014
Have you ever looked at a novel and fallen in love with the book’s pictures or design before its words? Some books are so visually intriguing for me that the words are almost superfluous. In a world depending more and more on us to be visually literate, or able to understand meanings behind images...

Happy Birthday, Anythink

Sep 12 2014
We're celebrating the 5th birthday of the launch of Anythink. We held our breath when over 5,000 people took their first peek at Anythink Brighton as it opened on September 12, 2009. As the community flooded through the doors, the immediate reaction was love at first sight. The beautiful building,...

Having fun with word play

Sep 5 2014
I have a special admiration for authors who can incorporate word play into their writing. The writing process itself can be arduous and mentally taxing – but add word play and you elevate the process to a whole new level. How does an author come up with palindrome after palindrome (a word, line, or...
"Science Ink"

Thinking inking: Past and present tattooing

Aug 27 2014
Learning about tattooing can be fascinating, whether or not you’re interested in getting inked yourself. A tattoo can represent permanence, and also be permanent, for an individual person. For people in general, or as a species, tattooing itself has had permanence, appearing throughout human...

Travel through time with these great reads

Aug 14 2014
The debut of the Outlander TV series (showing on Starz; find out more here) has triggered a lot of interest in Diana Gabaldon’s novel that started...
My daughter Whitney and I on her wedding day

Say 'I do' to these wedding-themed movies

Jul 21 2014
Here we are in mid-summer, the peak of wedding season. This wedding season has been extra special for me. On June 16, my one and only daughter was married. What a roller coaster of emotions! But now I am an official member of the I Survived Being Mother–of-the-Bride Club. For months my days were...
Available at Anythink.

Summer offers great volunteer opportunities

Jul 21 2014
Summertime is the perfect time for charity work – school is out and opportunities are plenty. Helping others in need, making this world a better place and finding a niche you truly care about can instill a wonderful feeling inside of anyone. Volunteering is especially great for those students...
Battle Magic

Storied elements: Earth, fire, water and air in 8 fantasy books

Jun 23 2014
Consider the four classical elements: earth, fire, water, air. Which one best represents who you are? Or, if you were to tell a story using one of these elements, which element would you select – particularly if you were telling a story about yourself and your life? Numerous authors tell diverse...
Pointing in the right direction

Little Free Library: Headed in the right direction

Jun 4 2014
Those cold days of winter when we didn't want to venture outside were perfect for the building of my Little Free Library. While my husband and I were situated cozily inside, he made sure...

Your backstage pass to a hidden online world

May 30 2014
When people have questions they often turn to Google to find answers. While this can be an effective strategy for many questions answered with basic information, you may not find the best information if you end your search there. In our quest to...
The Interrogative Mood

Reading on the road

May 21 2014
Summer is just around the corner and the kids are almost out of school, which can only mean one thing – road trip time! As a child I can remember my parents loading up the car to the gills and stuffing me and my two brothers in the back seat before setting off for another far corner of the country...

Time to get the ball rolling

May 21 2014
Copa mundial. Coupe du monde. Weltmeisterschaft. It goes by many names, and yet for a few weeks in summer it has the same effect in every part of the world: Ordinary individuals become face-painting fanatics. Entire nations cheer or groan at the spin of a ball. Heroes are born and great triumphs...

Love stories in a whole new way with audiobooks

May 7 2014
I don’t know about you, but as a book lover I always feel pressure to read everything. I know everything seems like an exaggeration, but I assure you, it’s not. In our information overloaded world, I come across books on an hourly basis. Whether I’m surfing the web, checking out my favorite blogs,...

3 outdoor book combos for your next adventure

Apr 28 2014
The sun is shining, the mountains are calling and it’s time to check the packing list for Saturday’s hike. Plenty of water? Check. Lots of sunscreen? Yep. But something’s still missing…the trail guide of course! When you’re heading into the great outdoors, taking a book along can really add to the...
