Anythink blog

How Caspar Babypants saved my life

Jan 30 2019
In 1993, scientists from the University of California at Irvine released a study that sparked The Mozart Effect. Even though the study had nothing to do with children (it involved college students listening to Mozart...

In the beginning

Jan 8 2019
Right now at Anythink Wright Farms we have a display called “To Great Endings and New Beginnings.” At one table are books and films with memorable last lines, while the other table features, you guessed it, items with memorable opening lines. I’ve been fascinated with great last lines for years; I...

Review: 'Alligator Candy' by David Kushner

Jan 7 2019
In Alligator Candy, David Kushner revisits his brother Jon's disappearance in October of 1973. His memory of the events are those of a 4-year-old struggling to make sense of what was...

Notes on reading 'The Clockmaker’s Daughter' by Kate Morton

Jan 3 2019
Take note:  Kate Morton’s new novel, The Clockmaker’s Daughter, is worthy of your time. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it,...
mother snuggles up to her baby in bed

Parenting books that won’t make you feel like a failure

Jan 2 2019
When someone becomes a new parent, they are often overwhelmed with advice from family, friends and strangers in grocery store check-out lanes. Since giving birth three years ago, my own parenting style has faced many questions and earnest concerns. My grandmother still does not understand why my...

Have cookbooks, will travel

Jan 2 2019
I saw an apron once that said "Will travel for food." I love to travel, but can't go very far very often. For me, cooking food from around the world is a simpler way to explore and, with a correlating soundtrack, I am easily transported for a few hours.  I recently discovered a cookbook on the...

Hipster Holidays: Unconventional holiday songs

Dec 21 2018
You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen, "Silent Night" and "Jingle Bells," and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," but what about the more unconventional holiday songs? Just in time for your seasonal revelry, here’s a list of six songs for those of us who want an alternative take on...

Review: 'The Devil's Rooming House' by M. William Phelps

Dec 20 2018
I have quite a soft spot for the elderly. Possibly it's because I had the pleasure of growing up with regular contact with both sets of my grandparents (who were amazing people). I also think it's because I was taught to see the value in those in the older generation. They have lived through...

Must-See Movies of 2018

Dec 17 2018
It’s nearly the beginning of a new year, and that means it’s time to reflect on the past 12 months. Namely, what were your favorite films of 2018? As Spirit,...

Smith: the best Dickens novel Dickens never wrote

Nov 30 2018
Director Stanley Donen's Charade, the Cary Grant-Audrey Hepburn globetrotting thriller, is often called “...

Death, the Universe, and Everything

Nov 30 2018
A year ago, I lost my father. I don’t mean he was misplaced or that he’s wandering about in a hedge maze or anything – he died. It wasn’t a surprise, he’d been sick for a while. But it was terribly sad. Obviously. In the year since, my family and I have grieved his loss and celebrated his life in a...

Hope and Other Luxuries

Nov 30 2018
"Over the years, my worst fears for my daughter have crystallized into a terrifying daydream, a daydream so frightful that I have never told it to a single human being until now. My daydream is this: I am receiving The Call. A voice is saying, 'I'm so sorry. It's about your daughter,' and I...

Writers on writing

Oct 30 2018
Writers, according to Stephen King, “must do two things above all others. Read a lot and write a lot.” With National Novel Writing Month just around the corner, plenty of people are going to be writing a lot in the coming weeks. But what should they read? King recommends getting your hands on...

Team W writes again

Oct 4 2018
I would like to put in a good word for The Glass Ocean, the new novel written by Team W – Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig and Karen White. Sure, these three authors don’t need any words...

The mysterious Monsieur Maigret

Aug 29 2018
Before I started reading the Maigret books by Georges Simenon, I never really understood the appeal of mystery series. To be fair, I’m ambivalent on series in general, and have written on this blog before about my enjoyment of self-...
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Lenses: Upgrade your mobile phone gear

Aug 21 2018
When it comes to teaching photography in The Studio, we focus heavily on the mobile side of the photography spectrum, mostly because phones these days are so portable, accessible, and their camera specs have improved in leaps and bounds....
Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

Personalized audiobooks and bedtime stories

Jul 30 2018
As we all know, it’s summer, and ever since the public school system as we know it was instituted some 150 years ago, one of the pillars of childhood has been to escape from the classroom as quickly as possible when the school year ends. With summer vacation comes travels away from home, either as...
Image credit to Idan Arad on Unsplash

Summer reads: 'Mostly Void, Partially Stars'

Jul 30 2018
The heat of our fiery sun tends to weaken me this time of year. It's because of this that I harken back to a show I've long loved. It features "a friendly desert community where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep."  Welcome, my...

The Beales still fascinate in 'That Summer'

Jul 30 2018
Three years before the groundbreaking documentary Grey Gardens was released, footage of the now iconic Beales was taken for another project. In the summer of 1972,...

A beginner's guide to Kanopy

Jul 25 2018
The last time I searched for “classic movies” in Netflix I got less than 40 results, and many of the available titles weren’t exactly what I’d consider cinematic masterpieces.The outcome was hardly better when I searched for foreign films. And while Netflix has a decent selection of documentaries,...
