Librocubicularist (n): A person who reads in bed.
I am a librocubicularist. Most nights I go to bed with one or two or three books in my arms. It's not enough that there is a stack of books already by my bed! There's just something special about snuggling down with a stack of books around you! And, if I'm honest, my favorite time to read in bed is in the morning, on a rare day when nothing is planned and I wake up knowing I can reach out, grab a good book and just get lost in it all day long. Those are some of my favorite days! With cooler weather approaching, I see a few more than usual in my future!
Here are a few titles that have kept me up all night or in bed all day:
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Stunning, heartbreaking and memorable is the story of Sayuri, Japan's most celebrated geisha. Memoirs of a Geisha is a journey into Japan and the world of geishas during the WWII era where the competition to be the best and most sought after collides with the desires of the heart.
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
This is a deeply moving story illuminating the love of a father for his children and the lengths he will go to protect his family.
One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullay Hunt
When the Murphy family welcomes foster child, Carley, into their home, she realizes how much she likes this loving stable family and is torn between her desire to stay and her loyalty to her mother.
I usually try to read in bed
Michelle H. (not verified) - Oct 26 2013Actually you can, it's a
sillydaisy (not verified) - Nov 13 2013I love reading in bed, and
Arnetta (not verified) - Nov 1 2013i love reading in bed too..
makiem - Jul 13 2015A thoughtful insight and
jelly gamat gold g - Nov 29 2016I'm an absolute
JudyAvans - Jan 6 2017Various people are having the
Edmunds - Apr 16 2017