Not the Norm of Science Fiction: The Film Guide
Science fiction is often portrayed as giant explosions and weird aliens. Both of these things are awesome, but a sci-flick with a strong message or interesting performance can transcend clichés. The following films are all examples of science fiction that go beyond the stereotypes to make a point:
Looper tells the story of Joe, a hit-man of the future. In 2074, the mob has taken control and deals with their victims by sending them to the past. Joe has a good life, which includes riding around in a car high and living frivolously in this destitute future. Even as Joe saves money for the future, he has a moral conundrum when his future self comes back to haunt him.
Blade Runner is a classic, loosely based on the book “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by Philip K. Dick. Deckard is a Blade Runner tasked with taking out replicants who have gone rogue. Replicants, or androids, have similar feelings and emotions as humans, making it difficult to delineate between the two. What separates humans from their replicant counterparts? This gritty film tackles larger questions of self and humanity. There are many different versions of this film, with the definitive version being the Director’s Cut.
I never thought apartheid would be a part of a science fiction film, but District 9 portrays prejudices realistically. Shot in documentary-style, this movie follows Wikus Van De Merwe as a pretentious jerk who is dealing with a new alien population that has landed over Johannesburg, South Africa. Aliens are second-class citizens who have to deal with issues ranging from shelter to language. The movie takes a turn when Wikus encounters a mysterious black ooze that rampages through his body. Both violent and humorous, this film deals with serious issues in a science fiction setting.
Moon is probably the most underrated film on this list. Astronaut Sam Bell is stationed on the moon and works with his computer GERTY to send reports back to earth. Things are not all they seem to be and Sam has problems remembering day-to-day events. His interactions with his family have been cut off and he spirals into depression. As he tries to repair the space station, it leads to a shocking discovery that rattles him to the core. Finding out the truth may be the hardest part of living.
Leave a comment to tell me which science fiction films raise questions about the interesting points about life.
I love love love "Moon". It
Cate Sweeney (not verified) - Jan 28 2013District 9 is one of my
Sheena (not verified) - Feb 3 2013I really like Attack the
abock - Feb 4 2013