Anythink Foundation launches Colorado Gives Day campaign highlighting library's community impact
On Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017, the Anythink Foundation will join non-profit organizations across the state in participating in Colorado Gives Day. This annual philanthropic movement encourages Coloradans to “give where they live” through a day of online fundraising. As part of this year’s campaign, each Anythink library will create a physical representation of a way in which their branch directly supported kids and teens in 2016. From rocket ships representing book circulation to LEGO fruit representing meals served, these creative displays will help raise awareness about the community impact of the library. A full list of these statistics and creative displays is available below.
“Colorado Gives Day provides a wonderful opportunity for so many local non-profits,” says Brian Hall, Anythink Foundation chair. “The Anythink Foundation is supportive of this state-wide effort and appreciates the attention given to this day of giving. Funds raised for Anythink during Colorado Gives Day will go to exceptional, extraordinary and creative uses that will make any donor pleased they took the time to give.”
The Anythink Foundation helps Anythink continue its mission to “open doors for curious minds” by raising private funds on behalf of the library for special programs and projects. Whether it’s by bringing in a special children’s author or funding an outdoor Nature Explore classroom, the Anythink Foundation helps provide opportunities for children in Adams County to learn and thrive. By fundraising through Colorado Gives Day, donations to the Anythink Foundation can be stretched even further with the help of $1 million in incentives for the giving day’s participants.
Colorado Gives Day is presented by the Community First Foundation and FirstBank. Last year, the event raised $33.8 million for non-profits in Colorado within 24 hours. Supporters can schedule a donation in advance by visiting coloradogives.org/AnythinkFoundation.
Impact Displays
Displays representing Anythink’s positive impact on kids and teens in Adams County will be available at each branch through Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017, as part of Colorado Gives Day.
Anythink Bennett’s paper tree showcases the library’s roots in the community. Leaves on the tree represent the 7,031 attendees at the branch’s kid and teen programs in 2016. At the tree’s center, a screen will display a slideshow of photos from those programs.
An apple a day keeps kids healthy and ready to learn. Anythink Brighton staff has created fruit made out of LEGOs, with each block representing a number of the 6,746 meals served at their branch in 2016.
Anythink Commerce City constructed a display of 65 tin lunchboxes to demonstrate the 6,584 meals they served to kids and teens last year. By providing a space for kids to eat, the library is helping keep community kids fueled for their day.
Reading is one of the best ways to ignite your imagination and explore new worlds. At Anythink Huron Street, staff built a rocket ship out of books to represent the 156,776 children’s books circulated at the branch in 2016. They’ve also calculated the length in inches of those books – the combined distance is long enough to reach beyond the Earth’s stratosphere!
To bring awareness to the Anythink Foundation and Colorado Gives Day, Anythink Perl Mack has spelled out the word “GIVE” using strands of small lights. Each lightbulb represents a number of the 2,863 kids and teens that attended programs at the branch last year.
In 2016, kids and teens spent more than 2,452 hours in the recording booth at Anythink Wright Farms. To represent the time dedicated to creating, recording and editing music, the branch has created a colorful display comprised of 2,200 guitar picks. Sound bites from songs recorded will also be available for listening.
Located on the Mapleton Skyview school campus, Anythink York Street is a beacon for kids in the community. That’s why they’ve created a LEGO lighthouse, with blocks representing the 4,536 kids and teens who attended the branch’s programs in 2016.