Anythink's new library catalog will debut on Monday, June 11.

Anythink Launches New Library Catalog

Beta Release Available to Public Starting June 11

On Monday, June 11, Anythink customers will have access to a robust new library catalog with a clean new look and improved functionality. Whether accessing it from home or at the library, the new catalog will provide a user-friendly experience while giving customers more opportunities for discovery and two-way interaction.

Because library catalogs can be challenging to use, Anythink’s development team has worked with both experts and library customers to ensure a positive user experience. The new catalog’s sharp, intuitive interface includes features such as fast search results, advanced filtering options, mobile access, and more user control in the form of checkout history and ways for customers to easily place and manage holds. Additionally, there will be more ways for customers to add comments, provide star ratings, and browse the hottest new titles, making the new Anythink catalog an easy-to-use tool and an online destination.

“We’re excited to offer some great improvements for the customer experience, including e-book integration, access from your mobile phone and tablets, and easier ways to discover your next favorite book or movie,” says Matt Hamilton, Anythink’s IT manager.

As part of the public beta release, customers are encouraged to test the new catalog and provide feedback for further improvements. Development based on staff and customer feedback will continue through June and July before the new catalog’s official launch on Monday, July 16. The current catalog will be available until that time.

In developing the catalog with VuFind+ – customizable, open-source software designed for libraries – the district has been working closely with partners that include Douglas County Libraries, Marmot Library Network, Wake County Public Library (Raleigh, N.C.) and others. This collaboration is driven by the work of Mark Noble, owner and consultant for Turning Leaf Tech, who has been instrumental to the software’s ongoing development.

For more information about the VuFind+ project, see this recent article in Library Journal.
