Board Meeting Minutes - March 2024


MARCH 20, 2024

Call to Order

The meeting of the Rangeview Library District (d.b.a. "Anythink Libraries") Board of Trustees was called to order at Anythink Huron Street at 5:05 pm. A quorum was present.

Trustees Attending

Lynne Fox, Savanah Vickery (attended virtually), Suzie Brundage, Gretchen Lapham

Trustees Absent

Trisha Kramer

Staff Attending

Mark Fink, Executive Director; Logan Macdonald, Director of Products and Technology; Stacie Ledden, Director of Strategic Partnerships; Nan Fisher, Finance Manager; Suzanne McGowan, Director of Customer Experience; Shelly Whitelonis, Huron Street Branch Manager; Justin Sager, Construction Project Manager


Elizabeth Dauer, Legal Counsel

Additions or Changes to the Agenda: None

A motion to approve the agenda' as presented by Trustee Brundage and seconded by Trustee Lapham. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Approval of the Minutes of the February 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

A motion to approve the Minutes of the February 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting was made by Trustee Lapham and seconded by Trustee Brundage. Motion carried.

Finance Manager's Report - Nan Fisher

Presentation and Acceptance of the February 2024 Financials Fisher presented the February 2024 Financials.

A motion to accept the February 2024 Financials was made by Trustee Brundage and seconded by Trustee Lapham. Motion carried.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Anythink Huron Street Branch Report, Shelly Whitelonis

Anythink Huron Branch Manager, Shelly Whitelonis, presented an update the projects from the previous year. Specifically, significant upgrades to the outdoor area including a fenced area and a playground. Congratulations to facilities personnel for their efforts.

Hosted the Farmer's Market last summer and many other activities as well. She also mentioned the hard work that the Sidekicks (library volunteers) contribute to the Huron Branch and that the program mostly consists of high school students.

Trustee Lapham asked about the Sidekick program and wondered if all the branches have this opportunity? Whitelonis said that she believes that the other branches do participate. Fink said that there were three teen Sidekicks from Bennett at Lobby Day at the State Capitol in early March.

Capital Projects Update, Justin Sager

Sager presented the update for the Thornton Community Center library project and said that the November 2024 timeframe is still being considered for the grand opening.

Sager said that GH Phipps is getting closer to finalizing the pricing package for construction of the Nature Library, and that the Davis Partnerships team is working on construction documents, which will conclude the design phase of the project. Ground breaking is tentatively scheduled for August 2024.

    j)    Executive Director Report, Mark Fink

Fink highlighted the 2023 annual report and that it has been very nicely put together, and that artwork by Jessica Moon is highlighted in the report. Fink noted that the statistics in the report signify our residents are coming back to the library, and fully engaged with library programs for all ages, after the pandemic.

Fink gave an update on the naming of the Thornton Community Center - City Counsel has elected to name it "The Thornton Community Center". We can now proceed with determining a name for the library portion of the project.

The transition for closing the York Library will be communicated to the community and that we are not expanding hours for the York branch until the new TCC Library is open.

Fink said that the Nature Library team held a community meeting at the Trail Winds Recreation Center on February 28th and it was well attended. The project was enthusiastically received by most in attendance. Trustee Fox noted that there were a lot of really good questions at the meeting, which indicates community interest in the project.

Trustee Vickery asked what the main concerns were from the community? She mentioned concerns were specifically focused around night activities. Fink said that there will be minimal activities held at night and that we have been working with lighting consultants through the architect team to ensure we comply with pertinent city ordinances.

Fink noted that we are continuing our work with Slover Linett who are preparing a kickoff date.

Fink also mentioned that the Colorado Association of Library's Annual Lobby Day was held on March 13th at the State Capitol, and that Anythink was well represented in advocating to legislators to support public libraries. Specifically, at the event, Fink noted folks were advocating for the legislature to add $1 million to the $3 million State Library Budget in the Long Bill to increase grants to more than 300 libraries across the state.

Fink reported that Anythink will be sending several employees to the Public Library Association (PLA) Conference in Columbus, OH in April.

Trustee Lapham stated that when she was unaware that the Commerce City Library was closed on Mondays. Cardenas said that the Monday closure of this branch more than likely is due to the four-day school week in and around this community.

    k)    Assistant Director Report- HR Staffing, Susan Dobbs

Board members were referred to Dobbs' report in the board meeting packet.

Director of Customer Experience Report, Suzanne McGowan

McGowan talked about the upcoming Poet Laureate programs that are scheduled at all of the Anythink branches.

McGowan shared information about the survey responses received from employees about the Training Day in February 2024. She said that staff had a favorable impression of the activities and they welcomed the facilitated conversations about hospitality and sharing the hospitality experiences in story books at the end of the day.

Trustee Vickery asked about using a holiday day when hosting training days. McGowan agreed that this made more sense. Fink noted that directors and managers are having discussions about the scheduling of future Training Days.

Director of Products and Technology Report, Logan Macdonald

Macdonald provided updates about the Anythink World project and there have been many positive programs being developed. Macdonald introduced Alex Thao, our new Anythink World Manager, who will be hosting "discovering and learning experiences" for staff.

Thao stated that he is developing Anythink World so that it will offer interactive experiences based on the themes of discovery, play and learning for customers.

Trustee Brundage asked if it is possible for more than one household member to be able to participate if they do not have Anythink accounts. Macdonald said that library cards can be issued to all members in the household.

Trustee Vickery asked how much of this is being developed in-house. Thao said that in addition to in-house coding, they are working with freelance developers to get this more complex design tasks for Anythink World accomplished.

Trustee Fox asked Thao about his professional background, and he noted that he was a Studio Specialist for several years before being promoted, and that he has interests in different aspects of gaming, coding and designing activities in the metaverse.

Trustee Vickery asked who puts the charts together for the statistics. Macdonald said that Lisa Allarid in Finance does this work.

    n)    Director of Innovations and Strategic Partnerships Report, Stacie Ledden

Ledden highlighted the events of the team's travel to the SXSW Interactive Conference in Austin, Texas. She said that they had an opportunity to learn from leaders in the fields of tech, extended reality, and branding and were able to connect with other creators from around the world.

Ledden noted that her team is working on organizing events for National Poetry Month.

Trustee Lapham asked how this conference related to the work of the Innovations team. Ledden said attendance at this conference was intended for the team to be able to learn and to bring back information to create new experiences.

Trustee Lapham asked what the definition of extended technology means. Ledden replied that it is a virtual reality experience with 3D features.

Trustee Fox believes that these types of experiences are going to be something that people in Adams County will welcome. Fink said that this is the type of programs that we want the community to participate in and to be able to use their library cards to do so.

Legal Counsel Report, Elizabeth Dauer

Review and Approve 2024 Annual Administrative Resolution

A motion to approve the 2024 Annual Administrative Resolution as presented by Trustee Brundage and seconded by Trustee Lapham. Motion carried.

Trustee Fox as a reminder that April is the election of new officers.

For the Good of the Order

Trustee Vickery asked about the letter that was sent to the Board by a former Anythink employee. Fink acknowledged the contents of the letter, and noted that the Admin.

Team and Human Resources are evaluating the former employee's comments to find appropriate solutions that addr ss concerns r lating to staff workload.

Executive Session - Entered at 6:25 pm rejoined at 7:20 pm.

A motion to enter into Executive Session - Pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402 (e) and (f) to determine positions in relation to matters that may be subject to negotiation and review

personnel matters related to the Executive Director's performance was made by Trustee Lapham and seconded by Trustee Brundage.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 pm.

 A motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Fox and seconded by Trustee Lapham. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Shelly Boyer Recorder

Actin•    Secretary of the Board Rangeview Library District