Summer of the road trip
The open road is whispering your name. Can you hear it? The humming quickly becomes a roar as the first official day of summer approaches. What better excuse to bring the family together, explore and learn than the infinite possibilities of a road trip. Whether you are planning a relaxing Rocky Mountain weekend or a multi-state epic trip, your local Anythink should be your first stop to start checking off the pre-road trip list.
Planning your route
First things first: Where do you want to go? What do you want to see? How much time do you have? These questions will give you some important boundaries to begin the planning. Now pull out your maps and atlases, thumb through those stacks of state travel books and start plotting a few key landmarks you have always wanted to see. In no time your route will take form. The inclination is to over-plan. You get super excited about the trip and tired of waiting for the moment where you can finally pull out of the driveway. Try to keep the planning to a handful of locations and let the call of the road help you select the rest of your stops as you're cruising by.
Car maintenance
Once you know where you want to go, you have to make sure your car can get you there. Car maintenance is the most important piece of your pre trip planning. If not tuned up and properly maintained the freedom of the road will quickly become a nightmare.
It's the little things that go a long way when it comes to your car. Every road trip should begin with optimal tire pressure, clean oil, a fresh air filter and a full tank of gas. These are just the basics. If you are in need of assistance with more complex auto repair check out Anythink's amazing online auto reference center. Which includes access to the Auto Repair Reference Center and the Chilton Library – all accessible free with your library card.
Music & entertainment
Anythink, your home for entertainment. Hoopla, our free online media library is a great place to start. Accessible through a cell phone application, you can access endless albums, radio shows and audiobooks anywhere you have cell service. If CDs are more your style, stop into the library and browse our huge selection of music and audiobooks. You could be discovering your new favorite bands while also discovering the endless back roads of America.
Other road trip essentials
The biggest tip I can offer to keep cost low as your family is criss-crossing the country is make room for a large cooler, well-stocked and easily accessible. Nothing drains the funds faster then overpriced drinks and snacks at every gas station. Premake healthy snacks using our great cookbook collection and purchase large quantities of your favorite drinks at a discount store.
Hit the road!
With gas prices still holding at unbelievable lows and the kids out of school, the time has come to challenge your adventurous spirit. Endless possibilities await you in any direction you choose. Now is the time to load up the cooler, fasten your seatbelts and start racing the sinking sun to a new destination.
Get your motor runnin'
mmarcilla - Jun 21 2016Nice post this exactly what I
NealTyson - Sep 1 2016Thanks I have never
Todd J - Jun 20 2017