Anythink Board of Trustees approves 2019 ballot measure
On Wednesday, Aug. 21, the Anythink Board of Trustees approved a ballot measure for additional funding for Anythink (also known as Rangeview Library District). The funding level for Anythink Libraries has remained the same since 2006. Since then, Adams County has gained more than 89,000 people. Anythink Libraries are some of the lowest funded library systems in the Denver metro region, with only 1 librarian for every 10,000 children in Adams County.
If approved by the voters, the additional funding would allow Anythink to better meet the needs of the community by adding more early literacy programs for children, expanding services for seniors, creating more lifelong learning opportunities for all ages, and buying more books and technology. The funding would also make it possible to open on Mondays at Anythink Bennett, Anythink Commerce City, Anythink Perl Mack, and Anythink York Street, which are now currently closed. Additionally, the library would build two new branches and develop a career library centered around workforce development.
In 2018, the board approved a similar measure, which lost by 1,200 votes.
“Last year, Ballot Issue 6A for Anythink Libraries lost by less than 1 percent, yet the need is still there and growing,” says Anythink Board of Trustees President Lynne Fox. “Our community has told us that they want the library to provide more programs for kids, more lifelong learning opportunities, support for seniors, and more technology and workforce development resources for all ages. We believe that every child deserves access to a library, and we’re dedicated to sustaining the same level of service that Anythink has become known for here in Adams County and worldwide. To do this, we need additional funding. I invite voters to join me in voting yes to support Anythink Libraries.”
Please visit https://www.anythinklibraries.org/investing-in-anythinks-future for more information and details about the proposal.
The Anythink Board of Trustees consists of five members appointed by the Adams County Board of County Commissioners and is responsible for the library district’s finances and formulation of policies. The Board of Trustees meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 5 pm at various Anythink locations.