Public Computing Centers to Launch at Anythink Brighton, Commerce City

On Monday, March 5, Anythink will launch Public Computing Centers at its Brighton and Commerce City libraries. Made possible through support from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Colorado Libraries, these two Anythink locations will provide public computing access to a wider range of people via laptops for two-hour in-library use.

With the $75,000-plus grant ($49,312 for Brighton, $26,551 for Commerce City), Anythink will be able to meet the program’s goal of providing these communities with better access to computer training, career support, educational resources and healthcare services. Anythink Brighton will have 24 laptops available and two ADA-compliant stations for persons with disabilities. Anythink Commerce City will have 12 laptops and one ADA-compliant station. The computer centers are just two of 76 throughout the state of Colorado.

“We are so happy to be able to offer laptops to our customers,” says Finance Director Mindy Kittay. “We hope that customers will take advantage of the portability of the laptops and find comfortable areas around our libraries to use them. We are also looking forward to continuing to help our community learn and use new technologies and tools.”

To celebrate the launch of the program while educating customers about Anythink’s technology offerings, the following open houses will be held at Anythink Brighton and Anythink Commerce City:

Anythink Commerce City
Monday, March 5, 2012 • 10 am–12 pm
7185 Monaco Street
Commerce City, CO 80022

Anythink Brighton
Thursday, March 8, 20125-7 pm
327 E. Bridge St.
Brighton, CO 80601

During the week of March 5, customers are encouraged to attend technology classes at various locations, learn about the district’s downloadable offerings or come in and use the free wi-fi available at all Anythink locations. For more information about upcoming tech classes, visit our online calendar at
