After School Outdoor STEAM
Join us after school for a variety of safe and socially distanced science experiments and art projects on our front lawn. Rain or shine! Ages 10 and up.
Join us after school for a variety of safe and socially distanced science experiments and art projects on our front lawn. Rain or shine! Ages 10 and up.
Play a variety of tabletop, card games and trading cards games. Bring your own or borrow a set of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and hang with your friends. Don’t know how to play? We’ll show you! Snacks will be provided. Appropriate for ages 12 and up.
Play a variety of video games on the big screen. Snacks provided. Appropriate for ages 12 and up.
Unwind after school with some fun improvisation theater games. Prepare to be silly and imaginative with your friends and work together as a group to be creative storytellers. Appropriate for ages 7 to 12.
Join us as we continue to work on creating our own escape room. We’ll experiment with different clues, locks, and puzzles and build the parts for a finished escape room challenge. Snacks will be provided. Appropriate for ages 12 and up.
Enjoy several rounds of Bingo, and win books as prizes while snacking on popcorn. Open to all ages.
Blast off into the past to discover the food, art, people and events that have shaped history. This month, we travel to Ancient Greece to design pottery, construct a labyrinth and feast on ambrosia and nectar with the gods. Appropriate for elementary school-aged kids. Space is limited; registration recommended. Please visit our online calendar to register.
Join us each month to learn about the history and traditions behind our favorite breads. Participants will take home complete dough that should be cooked at home following the program. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register.
Join us each month as we learn about a different famous artist, view samples of their art, and create our own art based on their inspiration. Appropriate for elementary school-aged kids and their caregivers. Space is limited; registration recommended. Please visit our online calendar to register.
Explore a variety of activities involving science, technology, engineering, art and math. Appropriate for elementary school-aged kids and their caregivers. Space is limited; registration recommended. Please visit our online calendar to register.
March 16 – Mars Map