Tag: #Anythink

The summer is winding down (thank goodness), and it’s that time where parents and kids alike are ready to head back to school. Like many of you, I grew up reading boarding school books, and would wistfully imagine returning to ivy-laden dorms tucked under stone walkways, where teachers wore robes instead of cardigans and we ate in great halls instead of cafeteria.

Since most of us will probably never attend a boarding school (until college that is), I offer instead some fantastic teen and middle grade books to help scratch that ivy-itch.

June 27, 2019 - 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Kids and families are invited to explore the art of movement in this hour-long workshop with one of Denver’s premiere performance groups. Join Cleo Parker Robinson Dance to move creatively and celebrate the expression of dance.  

Event Type: 
June 10, 2019 - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

The truth is out there. Have fun at different activity stations by learning about possible UFO sightings in Colorado, designing your own UFO, observing constellations and more. What would an alien think about you?   

This program is intended for kids ages 5-12.

Space is limited; Registration required.

Please visit our online calendar to register.

Event Type: 
June 6, 2019 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

The truth is out there. Have fun at different activity stations by learning about possible UFO sightings in Colorado, designing your own UFO, observing constellations and more. What would an alien think about you?   

This program is intended for kids ages 5-12.

Space is limited; Registration required.

Please visit our online calendar to register.

Event Type: 