Tag: astronomy

Scientists have known about the theoretical existence of black holes for about 100 years, but it wasn’t until last week that anyone had ever seen one of these wondrous cosmic objects. Thanks to the team behind the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) we now have the first-ever image of a black hole (click here for the full resolution image). This is a monumental scientific achievement, on par with the discovery of gravitational waves or the Higgs-Bosun.

The summer is my favorite time to stargaze. The winter may offer crisp, clear nights and stunning constellations like Orion and the Pleiades, but in the summer the Milky Way arcs overhead, meteor showers stripe the sky and the balmy temperatures mean all you need is a light jacket to step outside and look up. From observatory open house nights to astronomy programs in Rocky Mountain National Park, here are four opportunities to spend your summer under the stars.

Open House Nights at the Sommers-Bausch Observatory, University of Colorado

A stargazer is also a time traveler, and telescopes allow us to venture to the most distant and ancient reaches of the universe. Even hurtling through space at 186,000 miles per second, it takes light from the next closest star over four years to reach Earth. And compared with the grand scale of the cosmos, four years is nothing. Most of the celestial objects we can glimpse in the night sky are hundreds or thousands of light-years away. So, in a very real sense, peering through the eyepiece of a telescope is a journey through space and time.