Tag: community

I remember a heavy conversation I had recently with a coworker about COVID-19. We talked about how in our everyday life, and in conversations with people, we were struggling to really voice the magnitude of loss. I mean, how do you grieve half a million people? How do you understand the amount of loss, how do you even begin to process it?  When Sept. 11 happened, we carried the loss of almost 3,000 people for months – for years – and it was (and is) so heavy. So how do we, as a community, begin to mourn our loss from COVID, with a number so big we cannot comprehend it?

I just finished a great children's chapter book recently about a young girl who was quite the crackerjack rascal of her community. She was quick to think, quick to act and quick to get the job (any job) done. I liked her straight away. Her name was Moses (Mo for short) and she told her story in the book Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage.