Tag: dogs

I love gazing through our photography section in the library. There are some fabulous books in the collection that I don't think get enough exposure, and I especially love the titles that have animals in them. I mean, really who doesn't love a cute dog, right? I wouldn't think to pair ice cream and dogs, but some brilliant soul – Diana Lundin – did and it's absolutely adorable.  

Cuteness aggression – have you ever heard of such a thing? This is the new term being given to that impulse that creeps up on us whenever we view a picture of something cute, innocent and vulnerable. (Think pictures of babies and baby animals.) It’s that impulse that makes us squeal, “Oh how cute!” and makes us want to reach out and pinch, squeeze or hug whatever it is we are looking at.

Vicktory Dog Lucas sporting his Best Friends hat

In April 2007, 51 pit bulls were seized from the Bad Newz Kennels belonging to Michael Vick. At that time, Michael Vick was the star quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, leaving sports fans shocked and animal lovers outraged. A media frenzy ensued and the question arose: What will become of the dogs? Many people and even some animal welfare organizations wanted to follow what had been standard procedure up to that point -- euthenize them.