Toddler Tales
Discover the world of story through reading, writing and storytelling every Thursday. Appropriate for kids in grades 3-8. No registration required.
Discover the world of story through reading, writing and storytelling every Thursday. Appropriate for kids in grades 3-8. No registration required.
Enjoy stories, finger plays, songs and other fun activities just for preschoolers. Appropriate for ages 3-5. No registration required.
Join us for a storytime featuring books, songs, rhymes, and play in English and Spanish. Appropriate for kids ages 2-6. No registration required.
Acompananos para cuentos, canciones, rimas y juego en inglés y español. Apropiado para niños de 2 a 6 años. No se requiere registro.
Therapy dogs provide a safe, non-judgmental audience for kids to practice their reading aloud. Bring a book you have been working on or choose from one of ours. Read to one of our patient furry friends. This program is appropriate for ages 6-12. Reading sessions will be limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please check in at the Children’s Department for a reading time.
Join us as we share stories and songs appropriate for the whole family. A simple activity will follow.
Explore early literacy and learning through hands-on sensory activities. Be ready to move, build, play and create. Appropriate for children ages 0-4 and their caregivers. Play clothes appropriate for messy play are recommended.
New times and information for Music and Movement in 2019! Sing, dance, play basic instruments and move creatively. This program is appropriate for ages 2-5. No registration required, but space is limited to the first 25 toddlers and their families for each story time.
New times and information for Music and Movement in 2019! Sing, dance, play basic instruments and move creatively. This program is appropriate for ages 2-5. No registration required, but space is limited to the first 25 toddlers and their families for each story time.
Enjoy stories, songs, rhymes and other fun activities that are perfect for preschoolers. This program is for ages 3-5.
New times and information for Toddler Story Time in 2019! Join us for stories, songs and activities that are just right for active toddlers. This program is for ages 2-3. No registration required, but space is limited to the first 25 toddlers and their families for each story time.