Kids Explore Cooking: Flavored Popcorn
Make colorful and delicious popcorn treats. It’s not just butter anymore! Appropriate for kids ages 8 and up and their caregivers. Space is limited; registration is required.
Make colorful and delicious popcorn treats. It’s not just butter anymore! Appropriate for kids ages 8 and up and their caregivers. Space is limited; registration is required.
Grow plants from kitchen leftovers. Make interesting house plants and food you can eat from things you would have thrown away. Appropriate for adults and kids ages 8 and up.
Create a watercolor painting of lily pads, like the impressionist Monet. Appropriate for kids ages 8 and up and their caregivers. Space is limited; registration is required.
Use a sewing machine to create a layered and fringed fleece scarf. Appropriate for kids ages 8 and up and their caregivers. Space is limited; registration is required.
Tired of sitting all day in class? After-school is a great time to get up and move! We will do a different, fun activity each week that’ll get the heart pumping followed by a free, nutritious snack provided by the Food Bank of the Rockies. Appropriate for kids up to age 18. No registration required.
Learn how to draw with Mr. Artist Guy! He will share techniques for drawing with oil pastels and pencil sketching. Appropriate for kids and tweens ages 7-14. Space is limited; registration is recommended.
Enjoy stories, puppet plays, songs and other fun activities that promote early literacy just for preschoolers. Appropriate for kids ages 1-6. No registration required.
Tired of sitting all day in class? After-school is a great time to get up and move! We will do a different, fun activity each week that'll get the heart pumping followed by a free, nutritious snack provided by the Food Bank of the Rockies. Appropriate for kids up to age 17. No registration required.
Learn how to draw with Mr. Artist Guy! He will share techniques for drawing with oil pastels and pencil sketching. Appropriate for kids and tweens ages 7-14. Space is limited; registration is recommended.
Make something really great using a variety of craft supplies. Appropriate for kids ages 8 and up and their caregivers. Space is limited; registration is recommended.