Tag: movie

The most common criticism of Wes Anderson’s movies goes something like: “yada yada style over substance yada.” When the style is as whimsical and sumptuous as his, that’s hardly a criticism. He has created a film aesthetic all his own. There isn’t a single frame in any of his work that could be mistaken for another movie. In a reference-heavy medium prone to misusing this word, his style is truly unique.

Have you ever imagined you had superpowers or wished you were a superhero? Most people have. Superhero movies and comics are extremely popular -- from Iron Man to The Green Lantern to Thor. But, for some reason and despite their popularity, superhero comics and movies are sometimes labeled as dorky or childish. In The Summer I Became a Nerd, Maddie Summers, a 17-year-old girl from Louisiana, feels like she has to live a double life.