Tag: MySummer 2016
Anythink Perl Mack mySummer 2016
Fizzy Lifting Bubbles
Partygoers check out the bubbles from Charlie Bucket's Fizzy Lifting Bubble Tower.
Mia's Gifts
Teen Advisory Board member, Mia L., hands out mini Wonka Bars to our mySummer kickoff party guests at Anythink York Street.
Meanwhile, in the Factory
Ian Kleinman serves up some treats straight from Wonka's Inventing Room.
Mike TV and Veruca Salt
These two party goers came as Mike TeaVee and Veruca Salt!
A Peek Into Mike TeaVee's Shrink Yourself Room
We shrunk ourselves using green screen photography and shrinky dinks just like Wonkavision.
Wonka Meets the Oompa Loompas
These oompa loompas look different every time he sees them.
Meet Mr. Willy Wonka
Mr. Willy Wonka allowed us into his factory as part of York Street's mySummer kickoff party.