Tag: teen

Collapsing nations. Corrupted governments. Ruthless leaders. Separation. The worst part about all of these things? They usually occur in societies that seem nearly perfect. Some of the greatest books today center around different utopias, places that are flawless, and dystopias, their opposites. They are widely available, full of all of the brainwashing, international secrets, and weather phenomenona that lead to chaos in our world. Sound interesting? Here are five great books about future societies that will leave you wondering what utopia really looks like.

Summer has finally arrived and school is almost out. We all know what this means... more reading time! With that said, it's always nice to have a To-Be-Read (TBR) pile nearby so that you never run out of reads when they are desperately needed. Summer is notorious for having the perfect weather for cute contemporaries. I've compiled a list of my favorite contemporary books that I recommend for anyone who wants a light, fun summer read.
