Tag: spring

As much as I wanted to highlight another poet for National Poetry Month, Mary Oliver will always be my go-to. I've read many books of poetry but none have captured me like Oliver's works. It saddens me that we will not have any new works to read of hers, but I am also so grateful to have access to her works. Every time I encounter one of her collections here at the library, I sigh a deep sigh of longing; I want to lock myself away in Mary's world and never surface. She has such a sweet and gentle way of drawing you into her wo

No matter what time of year, I'm pondering and planning about growing – vegetable growing and growing my inner self. Living on the mile-high plains of Colorado, after growing up in the mid-Atlantic area, learning to grow veggies at any time of year is challenging! The hail, quick temperature changes, snow on Mother's Day and early autumn freezes make things interesting.

Spring is my favorite time of year. I love everything about it. I love the clean smell of the rain, I love feeling the spring sunshine again, and I love seeing the first spring flowers peeking up through the snow. This spring, as the saying goes, has "come in like a lion," and I thought the snow would never end. But it seems it finally has, and summer is quick approaching. I've been itching to really get my hands dirty in the new community garden and start eating fresh food again.