Tag: parenting

Over the past month of staying at home, my 4-year-old, Lilah, has asked me a lot of questions. We have explored dozens of animals, from the mucus of a tree frog’s foot pads to the mysterious tusk of the narwhal. Lilah has wondered why a volcano "interrupts," how rocks have sparkles, and why she can’t eat the boozy cookies I made the other night. Yes, I have even been graphically asked about how babies are made. 

February 15, 2020 - 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Join Financial Advisor, Jenne Trembley to learn best practices for teaching your kids financial literacy that will have a lasting impact on their future. Jenne Trembley was named to Forbes Best-in-State Next-Generation Wealth Advisors for 2019, and is a passionate advocate for multi-generational financial education. Appropriate for adults. Space is limited; online registration required.

mother snuggles up to her baby in bed

When someone becomes a new parent, they are often overwhelmed with advice from family, friends and strangers in grocery store check-out lanes. Since giving birth three years ago, my own parenting style has faced many questions and earnest concerns. My grandmother still does not understand why my female child loves cars.

Parents: Do you have a child who’s always asking “How?” or “Why?” If you do, you have a budding scientist on your hands! This is great news, because according to the U.S. Department of Education, jobs in science, technology, engineering and math (or STEM) are projected to increase by 14 percent by 2020. So, how can you encourage your miniature scientist’s interest in STEM subjects? By visiting your local Anythink, of course!

Here’s some good news: If you're a parent who is frequently frustrated by your distinctly disorganized child, this struggle need not be permanent. Even kids who are particularly challenged by what can seem to be simple materials management tasks, such as turning in completed homework papers or keeping track of a lunchbox, can improve their organizational abilities. In fact, parents can help their kids to develop many of the abilities commonly useful for school, and the five books in this list can provide assistance in this work.

Children who are surrounded by books learn to incorporate reading into their daily habits.

As a parent who raised two avid readers and also had a number of child literacy experiences here at Anythink, I would like to share my ideas to get kids to love reading. I am lucky enough to talk to caregivers of all ages every day, and I have seen many behaviors that help our children get excited about books. I am leaving Anythink for a new adventure and wanted to pass along the wisdom that I have gained in my time here. Thanks to all the customers, young and old, who have made this a wonderful community.